Microsoft's decision to release games on non-Microsoft consoles signals a shift in their exclusive strategy
Microsoft's decision to release games on non-Microsoft consoles signals a shift in their exclusive strategy

Microsoft's Gaming Strategy Takes a Turn

Well folks hold onto your hats because it looks like Microsoft is switching things up in the gaming world. They announced on Thursday that they'll be releasing four of their video games on competing consoles. Now this may come as a shock to some but let me tell you it's all part of the master plan. We're not changing our fundamental exclusive strategy oh no. We're just trying to make a few extra bucks by expanding our reach. Gotta keep those dollars flowing am I right?

A Drop in the Microsoft Gaming Bucket

Let's talk numbers for a second shall we? In the fiscal second quarter 11% of Microsoft's revenue came from gaming. That's a pretty hefty chunk if you ask me. And now with our Game Pass service boasting 34 million subscribers up from 25 million two years ago it's clear that people can't get enough of our games. But let's be honest our Xbox Series X and Series S consoles haven't exactly taken the gaming world by storm like the PlayStation or the Switch. So we thought why not try something different?

The Mystery of the Untitled Games

I know you're all dying to know which games we're talking about but unfortunately I can't spill the beans just yet. All I can say is that they won't be Starfield or the new Indiana Jones game. Sorry to burst your bubble folks. But hey two of them are "community driven games," whatever that means and the other two are smaller titles that were never meant to be exclusive to our precious Microsoft systems. So everyone can join in on the fun! Well almost everyone.

Xbox Fans React

As you can imagine our loyal Xbox fans had some thoughts about this whole ordeal. They took to social media to express their frustration and even speculated that we're throwing in the towel on exclusives altogether. But fear not my friends! We hear you we really do. We're planning a business update event next week where we'll lay out our vision for the future of Xbox. Buckle up it's gonna be a wild ride!

Spencer's Prediction: Exclusive Games on the Decline

Our very own Phil Spencer had some interesting words to say about the future of exclusive games. He believes that in the next five or ten years games exclusive to one piece of hardware will become less and less common. Bold claim I know. But hey who am I to argue with the guy? He's the head honcho after all.

The Fallout Continues

And just when you thought things couldn't get any crazier The Verge drops another bombshell. They reported that games like Hi Fi Rush Pentiment and Sea of Thieves will be coming to non Microsoft consoles too. Can you believe it? It's a whole new world out there folks. The game industry is changing and we're changing right along with it. Strap in gamers!


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