AI startup Aware helps companies monitor employee sentiment and detect risky behavior in real-time
AI startup Aware helps companies monitor employee sentiment and detect risky behavior in real-time

AI Analyzing Workplace Messages

Imagine a world where AI is constantly analyzing your messages on different workplace apps. Well that's not just science fiction anymore. Huge companies like Walmart Delta Air Lines and T Mobile have turned to startup Aware to monitor employee chatter in real time. So your coworker complaining about your late night snacking habits? AI knows.

Understanding Employee Sentiment

CEO Jeff Schumann of Aware explains that the AI helps companies understand the emotions and attitudes of their employees without depending on the outdated annual surveys. Now your boss can see how the different age groups or geographical locations within the company respond to new policies. It's like the Nostromo crew finding out how the Facehugger affects different species. Fascinating isn't it?

Identifying Toxic Behavior

Aware's AI models are not just good at deciphering text but they can also detect bullying harassment discrimination and even nudity in workplace communications. So no more sending inappropriate memes in the office chat. Looks like Weyland Yutani Corporation could've used this technology to spot Ash's hidden agenda in Alien eh?

The Dystopian Side

While employee surveillance AI may have its benefits it does raise concerns about privacy and potential abuse. Jutta Williams co founder of AI accountability nonprofit Humane Intelligence points out that this kind of surveillance treats people like inventory. It's like being stuck as 'chestburster' bait on LV 426.

A Rapidly Expanding Market

Aware is just one player in the growing field of employee surveillance AI. With the launch of OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot AI has become the buzzword across various industries. It's like the Xenomorph spreading everywhere. Soon no workplace will be safe from AI's prying eyes.

Privacy Concerns and AI's Flaws

Even with promises of anonymization and aggregation research suggests that it's not foolproof. Just like hiding from the Xenomorph data can still be identified based on certain factors. Plus AI models can make accurate guesses about personal identifiers based on language and context. It's like the perfect organism evolving to find its prey.


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