A humorous perspective from Donald Duck on smartphone companies banking on AI to drive a new 'supercycle'.
A humorous perspective from Donald Duck on smartphone companies banking on AI to drive a new 'supercycle'.

Quacking about Quacky AI

Bah humbug! Smartphone companies think AI is the bee's knees! They're throwing around terms like 'supercycle' faster than I can say 'What's up doc?' Samsung Google and even Honor are jazzing up their phones with AI this and AI that. What's next an AI powered DuckTales reboot?

Super Duck Supercycle

Remember the last 'supercycle' in smartphones? Like a lost Lucky Dime in Scrooge's money bins smartphone sales shot up from 300 million units to 1.5 billion thanks to apps like Facebook Instagram and Uber. I bet Donald would've loved using AI for better luck on his treasure hunts!

Duck Tales of AI

"We're entering an AI phone era," quacked a Samsung exec. Even Google's throwing its hat into the AI ring hoping to rekindle interest in smartphones. But hey if it can't help me find my lost quackers count me out!

Duck's Doubts on Supercycle

Analysts say a real smartphone 'supercycle' is about as likely as Scrooge handing out free money. People are holding onto their old phones tighter than Gizmoduck's helmet! But hey maybe AI can turn things around. Just don't ask me to use it to order a burger...it's not McDuck's that's for sure!

Daffy AI Dreams

From AI powered smartphones to devices that can talk back the future's looking quack tastic! Who needs a crystal ball when you've got AI? Just don't expect me to understand a word if it starts quacking back in binary!


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