Amazon shakes up the Dow Jones Industrial Average by kicking Walgreens out and making room for the online retail giant
Amazon shakes up the Dow Jones Industrial Average by kicking Walgreens out and making room for the online retail giant

A Kick to the Stock Exchange

Well well well looks like Amazon is throwing some roundhouse kicks in the stock market by booting out Walgreens from the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Maybe they needed some "total health and wellness" advice from Walker Texas Ranger himself!

Bezos and Jassy in the Ring

With Jeff Bezos unloading billions in stock and Andy Jassy leading the cloud business Amazon isn't just delivering packages they're delivering knockout punches to the competition!

Walgreens vs. Amazon: The Ultimate Showdown

In this corner we have Amazon with its advertising business growth and revenue streams and in the other corner Walgreens trying to narrow its losses. Who will come out on top in this retail rumble?

From Books to Business

Amazon's transformation from just an online bookstore to the powerhouse it is today proves that even a humble beginning can lead to greatness. Even I Chuck Norris had to start somewhere before becoming a legend!

The Dow's New Action Star

Amazon's arrival in the Dow Jones is like adding a new action star to the cast. Let's see if they can bring the same intensity to the stock market as a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick!

Bezos Sells $2 Billion Chuck Norris Sells... Nothin'!

While Jeff Bezos is busy selling billions in Amazon shares I Chuck Norris just sell jokes and roundhouse kicks to keep the universe in balance. Who needs stock when you have a beard like mine right?


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