Hasbro's fourth-quarter revenue drops, but they're still ready to play!
Hasbro's fourth-quarter revenue drops, but they're still ready to play!

Surprise Surprise Hasbro Takes a Tumble!

So it turns out that even the big shots like Hasbro can get a little too excited and land face first on the ground. The toy company reported a more than 20% drop in fourth quarter revenue leaving everyone scratching their heads and wondering 'Huuh?!' Earnings per share came in at 38 cents missing the mark by a mile and revenue fell short too! Talk about a bummer.

Toys in Trouble: Hasbro's Losses Grow

Well well what do we have here? Hasbro's losses for the last three months of 2023 have skyrocketed to a jaw dropping $1.06 billion! That's a whole lot of zeroes my friends. They must have thought they were filming a blockbuster action movie instead of running a toy company. Maybe someone should've shouted 'Cut!'

Whack! Adjusted Earnings Take a Beating

You know what they say sometimes life gives you a punch in the face and in this case it came in the form of adjusted earnings for Hasbro. After making some major adjustments related to goodwill and intangible assets they managed to scrape by with adjusted earnings per share of 38 cents. Not exactly a knockout performance but hey at least they're still in the ring.

Revenue Rollercoaster: Ups and Downs for Hasbro

Hasbro's revenue for the full year 2023 took a nosedive dropping 15% to $1.29 billion. Ouch! But wait there's a twist! While their consumer products and entertainment segments struggled they saw a glimmer of hope in their Wizards of the Coast and digital gaming segment. It seems licensing revenue from games like Baldur's Gate 3 and Monopoly Go gave them a boost. Talk about a game changer!

Inventory Intervention: Hasbro Cleans House

Hasbro isn't just playing around when it comes to their inventory. They managed to reduce it by over 50% compared to the previous year. That's a lot of toys finding new homes! Maybe they should give me a call next time they need help with some high flying stunts. I'll jump over those shelves like it's nobody's business!

Hasbro's Cost Cutting Crusade Continues

Hasbro is on a mission to save some serious cash. They expect to cut a whopping $750 million in costs by the end of 2025. That's enough money to buy a lifetime supply of action figures! They've already laid off a bunch of employees and it seems like they're not done yet. I hope they don't start using toy swords to chop down those costs. Safety first people!


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