Rocky Balboa steps into the ring to tackle the Instagram scandal and demand answers from Mark Zuckerberg regarding child sexual abuse material.
Rocky Balboa steps into the ring to tackle the Instagram scandal and demand answers from Mark Zuckerberg regarding child sexual abuse material.

Rocky Steps into the Spotlight

"Hey yo Mark Zuckerberg! I heard you've been ducking and weaving when it comes to answering some important questions about Instagram," exclaimed Rocky Balboa. The Democratic chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and one of its most senior Republicans demand answers about the now shuttered "warning screens" for child sexual abuse material.

Cruz Takes a Swing at Zuckerberg

During a heated Judiciary Committee hearing Republican Sen. Ted Cruz aka the "Texas Tornado," didn't hold back as he grilled Mark Zuckerberg about the infamous "warning screen" on Instagram. Cruz wanted to know how many times the screen was displayed and how many users clicked the "See results anyway" option. Zuckerberg promised to look into it but now the pressure is on to produce the records.

No More Warning Screens Says Meta

When questioned about the letter from the senators a spokesperson for Meta the parent company of Facebook and Instagram said "Yo we don't show that warning screen button anymore my friend." It seems like Meta wants to move on from this controversy but Rocky Balboa isn't letting them off the hook that easily.

Rocky Demands Answers

"Adrian I gotta get to the bottom of this," Rocky declared in his letter to Zuckerberg. He's demanding that Meta provide records and responses related to how their algorithms handled child sexual abuse material. Rocky wants to know why the warning screen was removed who created it and what steps were taken to investigate users who clicked "See results anyway."

A Fight for Accountability

Both Republicans and Democrats are promising to take action against social media companies for allowing child sexual abuse content on their platforms. Rocky sees this as a fight for accountability and is urging lawmakers to pass legislation to hold these companies responsible. However with a packed calendar and upcoming elections the chances of any real action happening soon seem to be a toss up.

Battle of the Titans: Meta vs. App Store Giants

In addition to the Instagram scandal Meta and other social media platforms are locked in a fierce battle with app store giants Google and Apple over age verification. Rocky knows a thing or two about battling giants and he's calling for online age verification to take place at the app store level with parental approval. But Apple and Google have their own ideas and want social media apps to be responsible for verifying user ages and obtaining parental consent.


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