Find out which industries will thrive or face challenges according to fengshui masters
Find out which industries will thrive or face challenges according to fengshui masters

The Year of the Wood Dragon

Welcome to the Year of the Dragon folks! According to fengshui experts this year is going to be 'unique' with all 'yang' energies. Brace yourselves for masculine rash and far reaching decisions. It's like watching Bender on a Bender—full speed ahead!

Fire Element Industries Set to Soar

Fire the symbol of economic activity confidence and optimism is going to heat things up this year. Industries like technology artificial intelligence energy and medicine are expected to be on fire. I guess you could say they'll be hotter than Zapp Brannigan in a chili eating contest!

The Insurance Sector Takes the Spotlight

Move over Fry it's the insurance sector's time to shine! According to the fengshui gurus this industry is going to be a 'star performer' in the Year of the Dragon. So if you're looking for a safe bet put your money on insurance. Don't worry it's not a Bender scam!

Earth Metal and Fire: The Winning Trio

The dominant fire energy is going to bring good fortune to sectors under the earth and metal elements. Waste management real estate data warehousing and urban farming are among the winners. Get ready for a 'planet express' delivery of success!

Metal Industries Set to Prosper

Attention folks! The metal industries are going to strike gold this year. Banking engineering mining and automotive sectors get ready to ride the wave of prosperity. Just remember knowledge is power so channel your inner Professor Farnsworth and get informed!

Water and Wood Elements Face Challenges

Not everyone is going to have a smooth ride in the Year of the Dragon. Sectors under the water and wood elements might face some hurdles. The shipping sector airlines cruise operators and theme parks prepare for a bumpy ride. But hey as Leela would say adapt or die!

Bright Spots for Wood Industries

While wood element industries are expected to struggle there are still some bright spots to look out for. Education fund management and family offices might be able to weather the storm. Just remember it's all about hard work competition and delivering results. Time to put on your career chip folks!


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