Find out why Jimmy Donaldson insists he's not rich despite his massive earnings.
Find out why Jimmy Donaldson insists he's not rich despite his massive earnings.

Is MrBeast Rich or Just Royally Broke?

Ah MrBeast the man with a name that sounds like a superhero but claims to be anything but rich. Jimmy Donaldson aka MrBeast may be rolling in the dough with his outrageous YouTube stunts and lucrative brand deals but he wants the world to know that he's definitely not living the high life. We investigate the truth behind this seemingly paradoxical situation.

A Financial Puzzle of Galactic Proportions

It seems that MrBeast's massive income of $600–$700 million per year is not finding its way to his bank account. No no! Instead it's flowing back into his kingdom fueling the growth of his brand and audience. His trusty CFO is in charge but guess who holds the keys to the master bank account? That's right folks—it's his mom! Because we all know mom's got the real power.

Reinvesting Like a Zergling on Steroids

MrBeast's philosophy seems to be "go big or go home"—and he's definitely not going home. He believes in the power of reinvesting everything even to the point of absurdity. Just like a Zergling charging headfirst into battle Jimmy throws all his earnings back into his empire hoping for victory. And man has it worked out! His colossal stunts like buying an entire grocery store and paying people thousands to live inside it are proof that he's not holding back.

Living Large... or Maybe Just Large ish

While MrBeast insists he's not rich his lifestyle might beg to differ. With a personal chef a trainer and a 3,000 square foot home it's safe to say he's not exactly scraping by. But hey he did snag that house for a mere $320,000 in 2018 so maybe he's got some thrifty Zerg genes in him after all. Only time will tell if this YouTube sensation will become a bona fide billionaire.

The Path to a Dream Job: Learn from the Master

Ready to land your dream job? Well who better to learn from than MrBeast? CNBC has got you covered with their new online course "How to Ace Your Job Interview." From body language techniques to nailing what to say (and what not to say) this course will give you the competitive edge you need. And hey maybe one day you'll be reinvesting your hard earned millions just like MrBeast. Zerg rush your way to success!


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