Starbucks embraces inclusivity with redesigned stores
Starbucks embraces inclusivity with redesigned stores

Starbucks Steps into the Ring with an Accessible Store Design

Yo Adrian! Check out what Starbucks is doin'! They just unveiled a new store design that's all about accessibility and inclusion. It's like they're training for the big fight and going the distance!

First Location Debuts in Washington D.C.'s Union Market

The first location with the new design opened in Union Market Washington D.C. I gotta give credit where credit's due this is a knockout move by Starbucks!

Designing for Everybody Not Just Rocky Balboa

Starbucks president Sara Trilling said that designing for disabilities is just good design for everybody. Yo Adrian! They're thinkin' about everyone not just big bad boxers like me!

Baristas Helped Design the New Store

Starbucks invited their baristas to give their input when designing the new store. I guess they wanted to make sure it's not just a one sided fight. Gotta give those baristas a chance to shine!

Accessibility from Entrance to Ordering

They've made it easier for customers with power operated doors at the entrance. It's like they're training us to enter the cafe with less effort just like I trained to become a champion!

No Obstacles Just Open Sightlines

The overall floor plan of the store is designed to be free of obstacles and have open sightlines. It's like they're preparing for a boxing match making sure there are no surprises in the ring!


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