Chinese e-commerce app Temu plans to make a splash at the Super Bowl for the second year in a row
Chinese e-commerce app Temu plans to make a splash at the Super Bowl for the second year in a row

Temu Hits the Super Bowl

Guess who's crashing the Super Bowl party this year? It's none other than Temu the e commerce app owned by Chinese company PDD Holdings. They're planning to air a Super Bowl ad a move that's raising eyebrows considering the hefty price tag. But what can I say? I also made my millions by thinking outside the box. Although my box happened to be a dorm room at Harvard.

Millions in Coupons and Credits

Not only is Temu dropping big bucks on a Super Bowl spot but they're also showering their users with millions in coupons and credits. Talk about making it rain! They're even planning to give away an extra $10 million on Super Bowl Sunday. Hey I'll take a few million in coupons to upgrade my hoodie collection.

The Mighty Ad with a Catchy Jingle

Remember Temu's commercial from last year? It featured a young woman who felt like a billionaire while shopping on the app. Personally I prefer the jingle "I'm so rich I feel like Zuckerberg!" Catchy right? But don't worry I won't let the competition get to me. I have my own jingle for Facebook: "I'm so rich I feel like owning your personal data!" It's a hit at parties.

Mixed Feelings and Unbelievable Claims

According to a survey last year's Temu ad received mixed reviews. While 51% of the 150 respondents loved it 21% hated it and 34% found the claims in the ad to be unbelievable. Well if there's one thing I know it's how to make unbelievable claims sound believable. Just ask the people who believed that sharing their personal information with Cambridge Analytica was a great idea!

Temu's Spending Spree

Temu is not holding back when it comes to marketing. They've ramped up their ad spend on Facebook and Instagram and it's paying off. They were the most downloaded app in the U.S. last year. But can they sustain their success? Only time will tell. As for me I'll just keep scrolling through my News Feed for inspiration on how to dominate the world.

The Battle for the U.S. E commerce Market

Temu's biggest challenge now is to retain their users and grab a larger share of the U.S. e commerce market. Morgan Stanley warns that their U.S. share gains might be modest and they'll have to work harder to capture a higher share of their existing shoppers' wallets. Well if there's one thing I've learned it's how to manipulate algorithms to get people to spend more money. Just ask the countless businesses that advertise on Facebook!


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