Microsoft breaks the rules and Jinx is loving it
Microsoft breaks the rules and Jinx is loving it

Microsoft Makes a Bold Move

So Microsoft just announced that they're going to release some of their games on other consoles. Wait what? Did I hear that correctly? The same Microsoft that has been all about exclusivity is now sharing the love? Well color me surprised!

A Change of Heart? Not Quite

According to Phil Spencer the head honcho at Microsoft's gaming division this move doesn't mean they're changing their 'fundamental exclusive strategy'. Yeah right like I haven't heard that one before. Sounds like someone is trying to cover their tracks.

More Revenue More Problems

I guess Microsoft finally realized that there's a whole lot of cash to be made by releasing games on other consoles. Can't blame them money does make the world go 'round. But hey if it means I get to blow stuff up on more platforms I'm all for it!

Xbox vs PlayStation Showdown

Let's be real here the Xbox Series X and Series S haven't exactly been flying off the shelves. Meanwhile the Sony PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch are taking over the gaming world. Microsoft clearly wants a piece of that action and who can blame them? Nobody likes being second best.

Out with the Exclusives In with the Community

Apparently two of the games Microsoft is releasing on other consoles are 'community driven games'. I'm just hoping they mean games with a lot of explosions and chaos because that's the kind of community I want to be a part of!

Jinx's Predictions for the Future

I've been saying it for years exclusive games are a thing of the past. And Phil Spencer seems to agree with me! He believes that exclusives will become a 'smaller and smaller part of the game industry' in the next five or ten years. Looks like I'm ahead of my time as usual!


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