Waymo issues voluntary recall after two robotaxis collide with same towed vehicle
Waymo issues voluntary recall after two robotaxis collide with same towed vehicle

Close Encounters on the Road

Waymo the self proclaimed leader in autonomous driving has experienced a bumpy ride as two of their robotaxis collided with the same towed pickup truck. Cue the dramatic music!

Voluntary Recall and Software Update

In response to the incidents Waymo has issued a voluntary recall for their driverless cars. They admitted that their automated driving system incorrectly predicted the "future motion of a towed vehicle." Time to update that faulty software!

No Long Term Damage Just Bruised Egos

Luckily no passengers were harmed in these collisions and only minor vehicle damage was reported. Looks like the robotaxis need to work on their driving skills!

Waymo's Ride Hailing Service Rolls On

Despite the mishaps Waymo's ride hailing service Waymo One continues to operate in multiple cities. They have a fleet of approximately 700 vehicles with a few hundred cars roaming each fully autonomous service area. Keep on driving Waymo!

Backlash and Scrutiny

Driverless vehicles have faced public criticism lately but Waymo has managed to avoid most of the ire. Maybe it's their charm offensive with authorities and first responders. They claim to have driven 10 million fully autonomous miles and served over one million ride hail trips. Not bad Indy... I mean Waymo!

Competition Gets Revoked and Delayed

While Waymo cruises along (pun intended) their competitors are facing roadblocks. Cruise owned by GM had their permits suspended by the California DMV after a pedestrian was dragged by one of their robotaxis. And Tesla well let's just say they haven't quite delivered on their promises of a self driving system. Keep dreaming Elon!

Marketing Misadventures

Speaking of Tesla the California DMV has accused them of deceptive marketing and advertising. Maybe they should spend less time on catchy names like "Autopilot" and "Full Self Driving" and more time on actual autonomous driving.

Collisions and Arson

In the wild streets of San Francisco a Waymo car collided with a cyclist causing minor injuries. Maybe the car thought it was playing a game of chicken? And to add some excitement to the mix someone decided to set a Waymo vehicle on fire during Lunar New Year celebrations. Talk about a fiery start to the year!

Who's Behind the Chaos?

Authorities are currently investigating the arson incident but no group has claimed responsibility yet. Is it the work of rival companies? Angry drivers? Mischievous robots? Only time will tell my adventurous friends.


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