New analysis from Goldman Sachs shows that post-Brexit Britain has underperformed compared to other advanced economies
New analysis from Goldman Sachs shows that post-Brexit Britain has underperformed compared to other advanced economies

A Less Than Stellar Performance

I've seen some impressive stunts in my movies but post Brexit Britain's economic performance is definitely not one of them. According to new analysis from Goldman Sachs our friends across the pond have significantly underperformed compared to other advanced economies since the EU referendum in 2016.

The Cost of Brexit

So just how much did this Brexit adventure cost the Brits? Well according to Goldman Sachs the U.K. economy grew a whopping 5% less over the past eight years than other comparable countries. That's like trying to do a high flying kick but ending up flat on your backside. Ouch!

The Three Culprits

Goldman Sachs points fingers at three major factors for this economic letdown: reduced trade weaker business investment and labor shortages due to lower immigration from the EU. It's like a martial arts showdown where the opponent keeps dodging your punches and kicks.

Brexit's Impact on Trade and Investment

Since the Leave vote U.K. goods trade has fallen behind other advanced economies by approximately 15% as estimated by Goldman Sachs. And business investment? Well it's been notably short of pre referendum levels. It's like someone forgot to bring their best moves to the fight.

The Immigration Shake Up

Brexit promised to reduce immigration from the EU and it did. But it seems like the replacement crew—a less economically active cohort of non EU migrants particularly students—hasn't quite picked up the slack. It's like replacing a master martial artist with a bunch of clumsy rookies. Not a pretty sight.

The Hard Hit to the Economy

Put it all together and it's clear that Brexit has dealt a significant blow to the U.K. economy. The reduction in trade the lackluster investment and the wonky immigration patterns all add up to a miserable performance. It's like stumbling through a fight scene and accidentally knocking yourself out.


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