Texas-based Intuitive Machines embarks on Moon mission, marking a comeback for the U.S.
Texas-based Intuitive Machines embarks on Moon mission, marking a comeback for the U.S.

Just When You Thought You Were Safe from Moon Landings

In a surprising turn of events Intuitive Machines has launched their inaugural moon mission bringing the U.S. back to the lunar surface after more than 50 years. Looks like we're not done with moonwalks just yet folks!

A Blast from the Past

The IM 1 lander named "Odysseus" because we just can't resist a good Greek mythology reference is on a mission to deliver 12 government and commercial payloads including some for NASA. It's like we're time traveling back to 1972!

A Learning Experience Indeed

NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative is all about learning. Well looks like they've learned that moon landings are not as easy as they seem. With more than 50 attempts in the past and mixed success it's safe to say that we're still trying to figure this whole lunar landing thing out.

16 Milestones and Counting

Intuitive Machines has outlined 16 milestones for the IM 1 mission and so far they've ticked off three: launch separation from the rocket and autonomous commissioning. Now they just need to stick the landing which is definitely easier said than done. Good luck Odysseus!

Houston We Have Contact

In an update Intuitive Machines confirmed that the IM 1 spacecraft is doing well. It's in a stable position batteries are charging and they've established contact with mission control in Houston. Looks like the machines are taking their mission seriously!

To the Moon...In Style

The IM 1 lander is on its way to the moon and is expected to land on February 22nd. It's targeting the "Malapert A" crater because why not aim for a spot 300 kilometers from the moon's south pole? Odysseus is going for the grand entrance apparently.


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