Rivian and Lucid take a hit as production stagnates, causing stock prices to drop dramatically
Rivian and Lucid take a hit as production stagnates, causing stock prices to drop dramatically

Rivian and Lucid Hit Hard

Oh boy looks like Rivian and Lucid are having a rough day. Shares are tanking production is stagnating and the CEOs are pointing fingers at high interest rates and market dynamics for their troubles. Looks like they missed the boat on this one just like I missed the boat on learning how to do math.

Tesla Still on Top

Well it's no surprise that Tesla is still leading the pack in the EV market. Rivian and Lucid are just trying to catch up but it looks like they're struggling to keep pace. Kind of like how I struggle to keep up with Stewie when he starts inventing things in the basement.

Nikola Joins the Party

And let's not forget about Nikola the electric truck maker. They reported some not so great earnings too but at least their stock didn't plummet as much as Rivian and Lucid. It's like they're the Chris Griffin of the EV world always a step behind but still trying to make it work.


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