Boeing, Etsy, Moderna, Rivian, Royal Caribbean - Ragnar Lothbrok's humorous views on recent stock market updates.
Boeing, Etsy, Moderna, Rivian, Royal Caribbean - Ragnar Lothbrok's humorous views on recent stock market updates.

Boeing's Leadership Shuffle

Ah Boeing changing leaders like changing shields in a battle! The leadership from the top matters they say. Well I only listen to the seers and Valkyries for guidance not some Dow stock numbers!

Etsy's Earnings Miss

Etsy the marketplace for handmade goods dropping like a shield in a raid! Activists are stirring hoping for some change. If only they had the fortitude of a true warrior!

Moderna's Surprise Victory

Moderna the drugmaker rises unexpectedly like a Phoenix from the ashes! Their new vaccine has promise like a shieldmaiden ready for battle! Flu/Covid 2 in 1 a mix worthy of Valhalla!

Rivian's Rough Ride

Rivian the EV maker falling like a clumsy berserker! The CEO under fire but claiming all is fine. Sounds like a trickster god's work to me not Odin's truth.

Royal Caribbean Sets Sail

Ah Royal Caribbean the cruise line boosting guidance like a ship catching wind! People are traveling like raiders seeking new lands. I have good tidings for the travelers!


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