CEO Jim Farley reveals changes to Ford's approach to electric vehicles
CEO Jim Farley reveals changes to Ford's approach to electric vehicles

Reassessing Battery Production: A Shift in Strategy or Just Panicking About the Farm?

In a surprising move Ford Motor CEO Jim Farley announced that the company is rethinking its electric vehicle strategies including the need for in house production of batteries. Could this be a sign that the automaker is losing faith in its own ability to produce the power source for its EVs or is it simply a case of Farley being concerned about the state of his beet farm? Only time will tell.

Rationalizing Battery Capacity: Is Ford's Chemistry Experiment Going Wrong?

Farley also mentioned that Ford is rationalizing the level and timing of its battery capacity to match demand. Are they betting on new chemistries and capacities or are they just trying to find the right formula for their beet fertilizers? To be fair I've done some pretty impressive experiments with beets myself. Did you know they can be turned into biofuel? Maybe Ford should take a leaf out of my book.

A Secret Team and a Low Cost EV Platform: Are Beets the Secret Ingredient?

Farley dropped another bombshell by revealing the existence of a secret low cost EV platform being developed at Ford. Is this the result of the secret beet experiments I conducted in the basement of the Scranton branch? I always knew beets had potential beyond farming. Perhaps the first vehicle on this platform will be an electric beet harvester. Talk about innovation!

Pulling Back and Focusing on Hybrid Sales: Could Beets Be the Ultimate Hybrid Crop?

As Ford reevaluates its EV business it plans to lean in on sales of hybrid vehicles particularly trucks. Are they underestimating the power of beets? Hybrid vehicles may be popular but have they ever tried running a truck on beet juice? It's a game changer! I've even started a side business selling beet fueled tractors. Ford should take notes.

Ford's EV Business Takes a Hit: Did They Forget to Water the Beets?

Unfortunately Ford's EV business known as Model e experienced significant losses last year. Did they forget to water the beets? The unit lost $4.7 billion including $1.57 billion in the fourth quarter alone. Maybe someone should have consulted me on their farming techniques. I could have saved them a lot of money and provided some top quality fertilizer.

Pulling the Plug on Margins and Targets: Can Beets Bring Profitability?

In a final blow Ford is pulling a target for its EV unit that called for an 8% margin by 2026. Are they giving up on beets too soon? I've seen the power of beets firsthand and I believe they have the potential to turn Ford's EV business around. Maybe they just need to embrace the beet life and let the profits roll in.


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